I focused my intervention around the idea of “possible mutation”. In a playfull but discrete way, I wanted to give the opportunity to the hosts, as well as to the owners to modulate the space and the ambiance.
The totality of the objects can be altered, in a specific way > (see user guide)
In other words, the room has to be used in order to reveal itself.
On another side, I thought the concept of room very seducing. It was for me the opportunity to think this entity as a totality. Which means the elaboration of a sort of microcosm: a world-in a world.
I had indeed a special care towards details. Even if these are hardly noticeable “at first sight” they can be sensed and to my opinion contribute to the esthetical unity.
the Name / Black Mamba
This name surely sounds familiar, especially to Tarantino fans…
And we can with no mistake see a tribute to two ambitious women. (Sarah Vollmer & Silke Lorenzen owners of the Hütten Palast)
Nevertheless, it also works as a reminder. This Hut has several origins.
One of them: The Ndebele. (whose story is linked to the big snake)
Indeed, the paintings on the wall, “reconstructed” as opposed to transfered are directly extracted from their Art. I drew my attention to this work for its peculiar approach to habitat and architecture, and its esthetical and symbolical translation into bidimensionality.
Finally, I would say that even though I describe my intervention essentially as a design work, we can easily notice that we are not talking about industrial design.
It is made by hand, and also possesses an experimental dimension.
(consequently, the objects appeal to be handled with care)
(consequently, the objects appeal to be handled with care)
The human scale, being the last aspect that appeared to me as the essence of The Hütten Palast project.